Component definition innovation plan as a tool to allow flight simulator training device roadmapping
The use of flight simulators as a complement to pilot training offers significant advantages in reducing costs and risks associated with aircraft accidents, in addition to increasing safety and situational awareness during the practical phases of flight. However, the development of equipment to support pilot training has been carried out with an exclusive focus on this application, overlooking the exploration of alternative uses or new business opportunities that could diversify revenue streams and foster innovation. In this study, a method was developed to identify components that support the Technology Roadmapping process. The application phases are described, and each step is illustrated with a case study on developing a flight simulator training device. The results present potential markets, products, technologies, resources, and partners, forming a framework for innovation planning in aeronautical flight training. Specifically, the potential for implementing affordable full-motion flight simulators is examined, including applications in amusement parks for leisure, incentive flights for new crew, providing a passenger flight experience in the context of advanced air mobility, and, primarily, referencing flight centers to enhance airmanship skills and flight safety.
Keyword : aviation, pilot schools, planning tool, Stewart platform, technology roadmap

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