
Vibration‐based damage detection in a beam structure with multiple damage locations

    Sandris Ručevskis Affiliation
    ; Miroslaw Wesolowski Affiliation
    ; Andris Chate Affiliation


During the last two decades structural damage identification using dynamic parameters of the structure has become an important research area for civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering communities. The basic idea of the vibration‐based damage detection methods is that a damage as a combination of different failure modes in the form of loss of local stiffness in the structure alters its dynamic characteristics, i.e., the modal frequencies, mode shapes, and modal damping values. A great variety of methods have been proposed for damage detection by using dynamic structure parameters; however, most of them require modal data of the healthy state of structure as a reference. In this paper a vibration‐based damage detection method, which uses the mode shape information determined from only the damaged state of the structure is proposed. To establish the method, two aluminium beams containing different sizes of mill‐cut damage at a single location as well as two aluminium beams containing different sizes of mill‐cut damage at multiple locations are examined. The experimental modal frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes for the first 15 flexural modes are obtained by using a scanning laser vibrometer with a PZT actuator. From the mode shapes, mode shape curvatures are obtained by using a central difference approximation. In order to exclude the influence of measurement noise on the modal data and misleading damage indices, it is proposed to use the sum of mode shape curvature squares for each mode. With the example of the beams with free‐free and clamped boundary conditions, it is shown that the mode shape curvature squares can be used to detect damage in the structures. The extent of mill‐cut damage is identified via the modal frequencies by using mixed numerical‐experimental technique. The method is based on the minimization of the discrepancy between the numerically calculated and the experimentally measured frequencies. The numerical frequencies are calculated by employing a finite‐element model for beam with introduced damage. Further, by using the response surface approach, a relationship (second‐order polynomial function) between the modal frequencies and the damage extent is constructed. The damage extent is obtained by solving the minimization problem.

Daugybinių sijos struktūros pažeidimo vietų nustatymas vibraciniu būdu

Santrauka. Tyrimo  metu  buvo  ieškomos  sijinės  konstrukcijos  pažeidimo  frezuojant  vietos,  apimtis  ir  pažeidimo  dydis  pagal  atlikto  vibracijų  eksperimento dinamines  charakteristikas.  Pažeidimo  padėtis  ir  apimtis  buvo  nustatomi  pagal  išlinkio  formos  virpesių  kvadrato  dydį.  Pažeidimo  dydis  buvo nustatomas  skaitiniu-eksperimentiniu  metodu,  taikant  modalinius  dažnius.  Šio  metodo  efektyvumas  ir  patikimumas  parodytas  tiriant  dvi  aliuminio sijas, kurios buvo pažeistos frezos vienoje vietoje ir kurios buvo pažeistos skirtingose vietose.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: pažeidimo aptikimas, dinaminis valdomumas, išlinkio formos metodas, lazerinis skenavimo vibrometras.

First publish online: 14 Oct 2010

Keyword : damage detection, dynamic response, mode shape curvature, scanning laser vibrometer

How to Cite
Ručevskis, S., Wesolowski, M., & Chate, A. (2009). Vibration‐based damage detection in a beam structure with multiple damage locations. Aviation, 13(3), 61-71.
Published in Issue
Sep 30, 2009
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