Proposal of procedure for identification of Menétrey–Willam (M-W-3) plasticity surface of homogeneous and hollow masonry units
The article presents the author’s proposal to determine the parameters of the Mentérey–Willam (M-W-3) plasticity surface of the homogeneous masonry elements made of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and vertically hollow calcium-silicate (Ca-Si) masonry units. The uniaxial and triaxial tests of AAC samples in a standard Hoek’s cell was performed while the hollow units made of silicate were tested on a custom-made test stand. By performing statistical analyses, the shape of the meridians of the surface was determined, and then the eccentricity e of the elliptical function was identified.
Keyword : Menétrey–Willam plasticity surface, uniaxial test, triaxial test, AAC masonry unit, hollow silicate masonry units

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