Modification of partial safety factors for a semi-probabilistic evaluation of existing timber structures
The evaluation of the load-bearing capacity of existing structures is a central and important part in the work of structural engineers. Currently, engineers are confronted with the challenge of applying design rules developed for new structures in the evaluation of existing ones as no specific recommendations exist on a European level. As a contribution to this, a first step of this study is the evaluation of the reliability level of timber elements subjected to common limit states. Based on these analyses, modifications of the target reliability and of partial safety factors (PSF) for existing structures on the resistance side are studied. Considering a modification of the target reliability, the PSF for the material strength could be proposed with for compressive and flexural strength in limit states, where variable actions are present. Additionally, options for incorporating updated material parameters from a survey on site supported by technical devices are discussed and further need for research is identified. Subsequently, this paper provides a stepwise evaluation procedure including modified PSF considering both, an update of the target reliability and update of the material parameters obtained by a survey on site and is thus adaptive for different individual cases and level of information.
First published online 10 February 2025
Keyword : timber, existing buildings, semi-probabilistic evaluation, code calibration

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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