
The use of GIS technologies to determine transport accessibility in tourism

    Viktoriia Lepetiuk   Affiliation
    ; Vladislav Tretyak Affiliation
    ; Yuliia Maksymova Affiliation


The article examines the possibilities of using GIS technologies in the tourism sphere. The study focused on the conceptual modeling of tourism and the geoinformation support in planning tourist routes. The subject area of tourism as a conceptual model in terms of database modeling and GIS using UML language was characterized and presented. The method of using the GIS to solve the problem of modeling transport accessibility zones to tourist attractions in shaping transport routes has been proposed. The QGIS was used in tandem with a database management system such as PostgreSQL. GRASS GIS environment was used to perform spatial analysis. The object of this research is the transport network in one of the districts of the Ternopil region. We have tested in practice the proposed technological scheme on the example of the Ternopil district with the use of PostgreSQL database management system, QGIS, and GRAS GIS. We have created a tourist isochrone map of this region with some attractive places. The proposed methodology for determining transport accessibility using spatial analysis tools with the creation of isochrone maps and a flexible system of adjustments in the GIS makes it possible to optimize already existing tourism routes and create new ones.

Keyword : GIS technologies, database, geospatial database, conceptual modeling, GIS modeling, transport accessibility, isochrone map, tourism, tourist route, GRAS GIS

How to Cite
Lepetiuk, V., Tretyak, V., & Maksymova, Y. (2023). The use of GIS technologies to determine transport accessibility in tourism. Geodesy and Cartography, 49(3), 166–179.
Published in Issue
Oct 26, 2023
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