
The effects of extreme climate events on green technology innovation in manufacturing enterprises

    Chengyuan Wang Affiliation
    ; Wanyi Li Affiliation
    ; Jun Li Affiliation
    ; Liang Wan Affiliation


The increasing intensity and frequency of extreme climate events have made improving the adaptability to extreme climate events a strategic imperative for manufacturing companies. This paper investigates whether manufacturing enterprises increase green technology innovation affected by different extreme climate events. Based on panel data of Chinese listed manufacturing enterprises, we show that extreme precipitation events can positively promote green technology innovation, yet extreme temperature events do not. Heterogeneity analyses suggest that the effect of extreme precipitation events on green technology innovation is more significant for non-state-owned enterprises, poor performance enterprises, and high R&D intensity enterprises than other enterprises. Furthermore, the facilitating effect of extreme precipitation events on green technology innovation is merely temporary.

Keyword : extreme climate events, climate change, extreme precipitation events, extreme temperature events, green technology innovation, manufacturing enterprises

How to Cite
Wang, C., Li, W., Li, J., & Wan, L. (2024). The effects of extreme climate events on green technology innovation in manufacturing enterprises. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 25(2), 337–355.
Published in Issue
Apr 29, 2024
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