
Classification of raisin grains variety using some machine learning methods


One of the agricultural crops with considerable nutritional and financial worth is raisins. Every year, the world produces and consumes millions of tons of raisins. In this work, machine learning was used to categorize two different raisin kinds that are grown in our nation. Machine learning techniques Decision Trees and Random Forest were used to classify the 2-class data set with 7 different attributes that were acquired as a ready-made data set. With 020 Random Forest and Decision Trees, classification accuracy was 85.44% and 85.22%, respectively, in the analyses that were conducted.

Keyword : machine learning, random forest, decision trees, raisin grains, classification, artificial intelligence

How to Cite
Unal, Y., Kaplan, H., Bektas, Y., & Caglar, M. B. (2023). Classification of raisin grains variety using some machine learning methods. New Trends in Computer Sciences, 1(1), 62–69.
Published in Issue
May 31, 2023
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