Introducing rapid web application development with Oracle APEX to students of higher education
The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT), and enforcement of digital transformation have caused the need to develop and deliver software in even shorter time than previously, and has become crucial to businesses. Yet, this new need has caused a challenge of finding expert IT workforce able to deliver software applications due expected time. Moreover, in a rapidly changing business world, the traditional software development can no longer keep pace and provide solutions to businesses fast enough. Low-code development and inclusion of so-called citizen developers are seen as a solution for the problem. This paper explores the introduction of rapid application development courses on Oracle APEX technology to students of a European technological university. The paper discusses the implementation of the course and its design, and looks how the developed basic-level course was received by students. It is shown that the courses have been well-received by students, who based on provided feedback are satisfied with the online set up for self-regulated learning of rapid application development skills.
Keyword : rapid application development, low-code, Oracle APEX, higher education, web applications, databases

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