The efficiency of machine learning algorithms in classifying non-functional requirements
Machine learning (ML) algorithms are more and more widely applied in various types of systems, so the research related to them is also increasing. One of the areas of research under consideration is the classification of non-functional requirements (NFRs) using ML algorithms. This area of research is important because the automatic classification of NFRs using high-performance ML algorithms and corresponding features helps requirements engineers classify non-functional requirements more accurately. This paper examines ML algorithms suitable for solving classification problems and their effectiveness in classifying non-functional requirements. Based on the described stages of the research methodology ML algorithms models were compared using the accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score metrics. A majority voting classifier model was created using Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes and K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm algorithms. After K-Fold cross validation were obtained these results: accuracy – 0.710 (scale from 0 to 1), precision – 0.845, recall – 0.814 and F-score – 0.815.
Keyword : machine learning, non-functional requirements, classification, support vector machine, ensemble models, K-Fold cross validation

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