New Trends in Computer Sciences
<p><strong>Newly established journal. Content in progress.</strong></p> <p>The Journal New Trends in Computer Sciences publishes original research papers that provide insights into computer sciences and applied computing issues.</p>Vilnius Gediminas Technical Universityen-USNew Trends in Computer Sciences2783-6851<p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms</p> <ul> <li class="show">that this article contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right or any material of a libelous, confidential, or otherwise unlawful nature, and that I will indemnify and keep indemnified the Editor and THE PUBLISHER against all claims and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) arising from any breach of this warranty and the other warranties on my behalf in this agreement;</li> <li class="show">that I have obtained permission for and acknowledged the source of any illustrations, diagrams or other material included in the article of which I am not the copyright owner.</li> <li class="show">on behalf of any co-authors, I agree to this work being published in Creativity Studies as Open Access, and licenced under a Creative Commons Licence, 4.0 <a href=""></a>. This licence allows for the fullest distribution and re-use of the work for the benefit of scholarly information.</li> </ul> <p>For authors that are not copyright owners in the work (for example government employees), please <a href="">contact VILNIUS TECH </a>to make alternative agreements.</p>Implementing a rapid application development course in higher education and measuring its impact using Kirkpatrick’s model: a case study at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
<p>Nowadays, technological development and improvement in business is happening rapidly, so higher education (HE), and not only, studies should constantly provide and develop new up-to-date knowledge and skills to students, in order to train competitive specialists, address digital transformation by developing digital readiness of higher institutions, and increase employment opportunities of students. Consequently, this paper discusses the implementation of the newly developed courses for teaching Rapid Application Development (RAD) on the Oracle Application Express platform into the studies at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) and presents the effectiveness of the implementation of this course measured using Kirkpatrick’s model. The obtained results show that students’ knowledge of RAD increased after attending the course. In addition, a 76% agreed that this course increased their knowledge of the subject matter.</p>Urtė RadvilaitėDiana KalibatienėJelena Stankevič
Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
2024-09-302024-09-302281–9081–9010.3846/ntcs.2024.22062Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction using a deep learning-based model
<p>The increase in software complexity, driven by technological developments and user demands, has created major challenges for companies in Software Quality Assurance. Companies seek efficient ways to identify and mitigate defects, recognizing that they cause high financial costs and other problems with negative impacts on business. Among defect prediction approaches, Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction has received increased attention from software industry professionals in recent years. This technique aims to identify and treat defects early, to improve the quality of the software development cycle. This study proposes a Deep Learning-based approach for Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction using a large dataset of historical data from several popular software projects. The Deep Learning model was trained to identify defects by analyzing the software metrics provided by the dataset. The model achieved an accuracy of 82.08% in its predictions, and it was possible to determine the most relevant metrics for its conclusions through interpretability techniques. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction as a tool for improving software quality and encouraging the development of new studies and improvements in this area of research. </p> <p><strong>First published online</strong> 17 January 2025</p>Rodrigo Alexandre Dos Santos
Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
2024-12-312024-12-312291–10091–10010.3846/ntcs.2024.22274Prediction of simulated factory layout throughput using artificial intelligence
<p>The use of artificial neural networks for the optimisation of factory layouts is not a common practice, primarily due to the challenge of collecting sufficient layout data to form datasets for artificial intelligence (AI) model training. This paper presents a supervised learning method derived from a PhD thesis that employs neural networks to assess factory layouts. The training data is generated using a random layout algorithm, which is capable of producing numerous layouts. These layouts are then labeled through a discrete event simulation. The combination of layouts and simulation metrics serves as the training basis for the neural network. The AI framework integrates a convolutional neural network with a multilayer perceptron, which is capable of handling both tabular and image data. Ultimately, this allows us to calculate of the simulated throughput.</p> <p><strong>First published online</strong> 20 January 2025</p>Patrick EschemannAstrid NießeJürgen Sauer
Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.