A q-rung orthopair fuzzy GLDS method for investment evaluation of BE angel capital in China
As a generalized form of both intuitionistic fuzzy set and Pythagorean fuzzy sets, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) has strong ability to handle uncertain or imprecision decisionmaking problems. This paper aims to introduce a new multiple criteria decision making method based on the original gain and lost dominance score (GLDS) method for investment evaluation. To do so, we first propose a new distance measure of q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers (q-ROFNs), which takes into account the hesitancy degree of q-ROFNs. Subsequently, two methods are developed to determine the weights of DMs and criteria, respectively. Next, the original GLDS method is improved from the aspects of dominance flows and order scores of alternatives to address the multiple criteria decision making problems with q-ROFS information. Finally, a case study concerning the investment evaluation of the BE angle capital is given to illustrate the applicability and superiority of the proposed method.
Keyword : investment evaluation, multiple criteria decision making, gained and lost dominance score method, q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets, distance measure, weight determination

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