
A general multi-attribute multi-scale decision making method based on dynamic LINMAP for property perceived service quality evaluation

    Wen-Jin Zuo Affiliation
    ; Deng-Feng Li Affiliation
    ; Gao-Feng Yu Affiliation


The scientific evaluation of property perceived service quality (PPSQ) needs multi-stage, multi-source and large-group perceived information, which is deemed to be the decision problem for dynamic, heterogeneous and large-scale data processing. Aiming at the problem, we propose a general multi-attribute multi-scale (MAMS) method based on the dynamic linear programming technique for multi-dimensional analysis of preference (LINMAP). In the dynamic LINMAP model, the classic MAMS matrix is introduced and extended into a general form. The dynamic LINMAP model is constructed by defining dynamic consistency and dynamic inconsistency. The time series weight is determined by Orness method. The new method adapts to the requirements of modern PPSQ. Finally, we verify the feasibility and effectiveness of dynamic LINMAP method by analyzing a PPSQ evaluation example. The new method improves the traditional PPSQ evaluation, and provides a perspective for large-scale data processing by the classic decision method.

First published online 23 June 2020

Keyword : property perceived service quality, general MAMS method, the dynamic LINMAP model, complex evaluation data

How to Cite
Zuo, W.-J., Li, D.-F., & Yu, G.-F. (2020). A general multi-attribute multi-scale decision making method based on dynamic LINMAP for property perceived service quality evaluation. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(5), 1052-1073.
Published in Issue
Aug 28, 2020
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