Practical method of flexural strength calculation of reinforced and prestressed concrete members
In this paper the flexural strength analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete members with symmetrical cross‐sections loaded in the plane of symmetry is performed. A new practical method for determining the height of the compression zone is proposed. The method is valid for normal and high‐strength concretes and for different distributions of bars along the section. It is based on the assumptions, simplifications and material properties of Eurocode 2. Design equations have been developed for the rectangular stress distribution in the concrete compression zone and for the steel stress‐strain diagrams with a horizontal and inclined top branch. A numerical example is presented to show the method usage.
Practical method of flexural strength calculation of reinforced and prestressed concrete members
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinejamas paprastu ir iš anksto itemptu gelžbetoniniu elementu atsparumas lenkimui, kai skerspjūvis vienodai apkrai: simetrijos ašies atžvilgiu. Pasiūlytas naujas gniuždomosios zonos aukščio skaičiavimo metodas. Jis tinka paprastiems ir didelio stipru betonams, kai itempiu pasiskirstymas skerspjūvyje ivairus. Pasiūlytasis metodas remiasi Eurocode 2 išdestytomis prielaidon supaprastinimais ir medžiagu charakteristikomis. Pasiūlytos skaičiavimo formules stačiakampiam itempiu pasiskirstymui nusta gniuždomoje betono zonoje ir plieno tempimo itempiu diagramoms braižyti. Pateiktas praktinis metodo taikymo pavyzdys.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: skaičiavimo metodas, atsparumas lenkimui, paprastas ir iš anksto itemptas gelžbetonis, betonas, simetriš’ skerspjūvis, išlinkimo ašis, gniuždomosios zonos aukštis.
First Published Online: 21 Oct 2010
Keyword : calculation method, flexural strength, reinforced and prestressed concrete, symmetrical cross‐section, plane of bending, compression zone height

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