
Fuzzy approach for group decision-making in crisis situations

    Michal Škoda   Affiliation
    ; Martin Flegl   Affiliation
    ; Carmen Lozano   Affiliation


The importance of correct and clear decisions during a complex and difficult situation is very easy to understand, but not so easy to achieve. Especially in situations where decision-makers must decide under time pressure and uncertainty. For instance, typical crisis situations have such characteristics. Given the uncertainty, subjectivity and ambiguity of human knowledge, crisis situations are also characterized by conflicting interests. In this article, we propose an approach based on fuzzy set theory to help decision-makers to find the collective decision considering weights of each member of the decision-making group. More specifically, the proposed approach uses new and innovative transformation of fuzzy numbers through α-level cuts. The key role in the transformation process is played by the shape and position of fuzzy numbers. Additionally, the Hamming distance will be used for the final interpretation of the results, in order to minimize the loss of information caused by defuzzification.

Keyword : α-level, group decision-making, fuzzy number, Hamming distance, linguistic scale, crisis

How to Cite
Škoda, M., Flegl, M., & Lozano, C. (2021). Fuzzy approach for group decision-making in crisis situations. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(1), 180-189.
Published in Issue
May 26, 2021
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