
Operating speed prediction model as a tool for consistency based geometric design of four-lane divided highways

    Gourab Sil Affiliation
    ; Avijit Maji Affiliation
    ; Suresh Nama Affiliation
    ; Akhilesh Kumar Maurya Affiliation


Researchers have studied two-lane rural highways to predict the operating speed on horizontal curves and correlated it with safety. However, the driving characteristics of four-lane-divided highways are different. Weak lane discipline is observed in these facilities, which influences vehicle speed in adjacent lane or space. So, irrespective of its lane or lateral position, vehicles in four-lane divided highways are considered free flowing only when it maintains the minimum threshold headway from any lead vehicle. Examination of two conditions is proposed to ensure the free flow. Vehicles meeting both conditions, when tracked from the preceding tangent section till the centre of the horizontal curve, are considered as free flowing. The speed data of such free flowing passenger cars at the centre of eighteen horizontal curves on four-lane divided highways is analysed to develop a linear operating speed prediction model. The developed model depends on curve radius and preceding tangent length. The operating speed of passenger car in four-lane divided highways is influenced by horizontal curve of radius 360 m or less. Further, longer tangent would yield higher operating speed at the centre of the curve. Finally, two nomograms are suggested for conventional design, consistency based design and geometric design consistency evaluation of four-lane divided horizontal curves.

Keyword : operating speed, horizontal curve, speed prediction model, weak lane discipline, nomogram, passenger car, four-lane divided highway

How to Cite
Sil, G., Maji, A., Nama, S., & Maurya, A. K. (2019). Operating speed prediction model as a tool for consistency based geometric design of four-lane divided highways. Transport, 34(4), 425-436.
Published in Issue
Jul 17, 2019
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